Photos page
(Slowly growing, if you're not here yet give it time.If you would like to change your bio info let me know.)
The famous Day In The Life Of Hawaii 3d photo
An Aala Park gig
Action Sundries
Al Apache: Artist
AOK Shit Workers
Brooke, Mitzi, Carrie: Punk Rockers
Mace Bacon: Actor/Singer,with Peter Sedgwick, Scenester/Marine Biologist
Laurie Bush: Actor
Dave Carr: Musician
Kevin Carr: Musician
Jim Cribley: Guitarist, record producer
Dugan Dimmet: Punk Madman
Tamara Farnsworth: Dancer and Artist
Flower Frankenstein: Artist
Barry Freeze: Punk, DJ, Singer
Freeze Frames (from the Barry Freeze Collection)
Lance Hahn: Musician and writer
Emily Hughes: Performer, Artist
Hungry Ear Records circa 1983
The Joy Division Building 1985
Hillary Juliette
Karen Keifer: Artist
The Infamous Kroll Brothers: Musical Outlaws
Melissa Klahm: Scenester/D.J. etc.
Kojacks Gig 1985
John Kopp: Drummer/Skater
John Lange: Flyer and band artist, and bass player
Lovely Duos
Mike Mcelhaney Actor, Installation Artist
Manoa Hilton
Kim Masters: Bassist
John Milan: Artist
Raya Miller: Artist
Mohawk Headshots
Jon Moritsugu: Film maker/Musician
Pat Ohta Photo Collection
Chris Owens: Skater/Guitarist
Gary Owens: Skater/DJ
"Pixie's Pix"
Laurie Saike: Scenester
Marc Sanchez: Scenester
Sumiko and Scott Saulson
Sonny Semansco: DJ
Allan Schlemmer: Wild Punk
Robert Scott: Musician and film maker
Sub Club 1987
The Temple (a gig at the)
UH Lab School Punks 1978
Raoul Vehill: Film Maker, Singer/Songwriter
More photos lifted from hawaiipunks