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Raoul Vehill
Film Maker Biography written by Raoul: Raoul raoul made a film in the early 70s with a friend in the guy’s parent’s basement. After decades of school, punk rock singing, door to door sales and pizza delivery raoul raoul has made more than a couple dozen movies and won 3 big awards in film festivals that you never heard of. --Raoul 2022-2023: He's currently working on "The Bunny Vacuum" and fundraising for it here: Watch some of Raoul's films here: |
Photos 1-3 Raoul wrote: "From A Girl Called Horse, Colfax 3AM and Ruffy Under the Shopping Plaza of the Dead which won 1st Place in Detroit in 2018 at Planet 9 Film Fest because these people that made some zombie movie from Ohio, and was most likely to get on Tubi, didn't show." Photo 4 Raoul wrote: From The Bunny Vacuum, the latest. I'm editing, we're still shooting and it'll be done within 6 months. From an email dated 07-22-2022 |